No onehas expressed better than Zarathustra in his sunset the nature of the sun and its connivance with human beings. The sun is a source of life, but also a devourer of life and lethal to the skin. How can we reconcile with a celestial body that is as essential as it is eventually harmful, how can we expose our skin to it without fear of suffering its fiery mark? The answer to this ancestral paradox is hidden behind a singular phenomenon, solar hormesis.
Nietzsche tells in the prologue of his "Zarathustra" that when the prophet was thirty years old, he left his homeland and the lake of his homeland and went to the mountains. There he was to enjoy his mind and his solitude for years; until, finally, his heart was transformed, and one morning when he arose with the light of dawn, motionless before the sun, he exclaimed thus:
O great star, what would be your fate, if you did not have
to those who to enlighten! Without us you would be fed up of your
light and of this path without me, without my eagle and without my serpent.
But we wait for you every morning,
we take from you what we
and we bless you for it.
Thus begins the descent of Zarathustra, master of the eternal return, and thus we endorse with each dawn our singular and contradictory relationship with the once feared and once adored sun king.
The sun is living energy that pours over the earth. Solar spirit that gives us life. Sunlight is both nourishment for the body and for the skin, but it is also a cause of suspicion and mistrust for both.
The biological effects of solar radiation are confined to the most superficial layers of the skin, and its beneficial or malignant action, like a poisoned gift, depends fundamentally on the dose received.
"Blind who does not see the sun, foolish who does not know it,
He is ungrateful who does not thank you".
The sun provides us with vitamin D, stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the immune system and makes us happier by increasing endorphin production; but it can also cause alkalinization, erythema, photosensitivity, photoaging and photocarcinogenesis.
As a defensive and adaptive response to solar stress, the skin accelerates the processes of proliferation, keratinization and melanogenesis, increasing epidermal cohesion and pigmentation.
Provided they are administered in tolerable doses, controlled shocks or aggressions, such as solar radiation, have a stimulating physiological effect, which increases the adaptive capacity of the organism as a whole, inducing repair at the cellular level.
"Everything is poison and nothing is poison.
The dose makes the poison".
The intriguing mechanism behind this universal response to low-grade aggressions, called hormesis, would explain the stimulating and constructive power of the sun to optimize health.
"What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.".
Countless experimental findings indicate that hormesis, as a dose-dependent biphasic response, is a fundamental principle of biology, a form of plasticity of living organisms, highly conserved in all species and favored by natural selection.
Today, June 13, 2023, at 10:22 am, at 238 meters above sea level, a latitude 41°37′ 57″ and with the sky partially covered with clouds, my UVA/B solar irradiance meter from 280 to 400 nm marks a value of 1.9 mW/cm2. With this value, I can determine the DEM (minimum erythematous dose) which is 65 J/cm2/hr and from there I can deduce that right now the UVI (ultraviolet radiation index) in the "always immortal" is minimal, close to 2. Since my phototype is 2 and my skin is well hydrated, I know that I can hormetically expose myself to the sun without photoprotection for about 50 minutes, a circumstance that I will take advantage of to read a little in the sun in the park while I release endorphins and increase my vitamin D reserves.
"If the proposal calls for a bikini, my answer is yes.".
However, if, upon reaching the park, the sky cleared and the pre-summer sun made an appearance, moving towards noon, all my careful calculations would have been in vain.
The UVI and the natural photoprotection of our skin condition our dialogue with the sun. Thus, the permissible exposure times vary according to the place, the time and the person.
Establishing the boundary between hormone dose and overexposure to the sun is, as we can see, not a simple task, since multiple factors, both internal and external, come into play.
"Stronger than sunlight is your choice to shine."
Aware of the difficulty, our beauty salons, in collaboration with the AEMET (Spanish Meteorological Agency), and following the recommendations of the AEMPS (Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products), offer you an exclusive INTELLIGENT SUN EXPOSURE PROGRAM, which combines a personalized professional diagnosis with pre and post-sun cabin treatments, exposure guidelines and a correct cosmetic prescription according to your needs.
The SUN & ENVIRONMENTAL SCREEN, in color or natural coverage format, is the most advanced answer to guarantee an intelligent sun exposure, offering UVA/B & HVIS & IR-A ultra sun protection and environmental shielding of maximum substantivity and resilience; it is suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women and non-comedogenic.
Its 3D physical filter, formulated from multimicrometric Titanium Dioxide (TiO2), guarantees total uniformity on the skin and optimal specular protection, water-resistant and without bleaching effect.
The organic screen includes three broad-spectrum water- and liposoluble filters. Their encapsulation in double-sphere micrometric liposomes gives the cocktail maximum photostability, prolonging its protection capacity by more than six hours. In turn, the microspheres act as a protective shield between the skin and the filters, preventing their absorption and, therefore, their potential irritant or allergenic effect.
The biological filter combines ELIX IR, which neutralizes short-wave infrared, whose thermal action amplifies UVA/B damage, and Biological Sun Protection Factor (SPBF), a natural photoprotector that counteracts DNA damage induced by solar radiation.
We now know that the epidermal microbiota is essential for homeostasis and crucial in the self-protection processes of skin exposed to solar radiation. This Sun-Microbiota-Skin axis reveals the importance of certain microorganisms of the skin microbiota in the defense mechanisms against the harmful action of UV radiation.
Staphylococcus epidermidis is able to produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) that inhibit solar erythema by reducing the production of proinflammatory cytokines.
Micrococcus luteus can resist high doses of UV radiation thanks to the production of carotenoids, in addition to synthesizing UV endochelatase, which removes cyclopyrimidine dimers in sun-damaged DNA.
M. Furfur and other fungal species of Malasseziaceae have the ability to activate the synthesis of urolithins and melanin.
The SOLAR & ENVIRONMENTAL SCREEN is designed as a phytocrystalline lamellar emulsion enriched with squalane, which, due to its prebiotic nature, strengthens the Photobiome factor.
The so-called PM 2.5 & 10.0 are particles and fine droplets, suspended in the air, that make up the polluted urban atmosphere. This particulate matter alters the skin's barrier function, penetrates through the pores, and causes irritation, dryness and skin aging.
PM carries heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from engine combustion. When these PAHs come into contact with the skin, they activate xenobiotic metabolism, generating free radicals.
The combination of PAH and heavy metals induces melanogenesis in the absence of UV radiation, being a synergistic factor with the sun in the appearance of pigment spots.
The SOLAR & ENVIRONMENTAL SCREEN incorporates EXO-P, an anti-pollution complex that acts as a biomimetic shield against environmental pollution and unhealthy habits such as smoking.
Derived from Polynesian microorganisms, this environmental screen reduces the adhesion of particulate matter and blocks heavy metals and PAHs, insulating your skin from toxic pollutants.
ORO 24 K
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